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    GRACE X Up Close And Personal

    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    CHRIS CORNER - GRACE X Up Close And Personal

    Clip Description

    GRACE X Up Close And Personal
    Starring: Belle Fatale and Caroline Pierce
    w/ Jiggery

    Grace X and her sophomore recruit are out on a mission to recon and patrol an area in the NW Forest. Grace X is dressed in black with her signature dark shades and tall leather boots. After completing the task at hand they both make their way to the DZ, separately, and tie in with the section chief to be extracted. Agent C is jealous of Grace X and her goal is to take her out and make it look like enemy fire. When they communicate to meet at the DZ, Agent C says, "Don't worry Grace, I got your back, I always have your back. Grace has heard the rumors of how salty Agent C is about Grace's perfect record and kill list, even the manual reads, DON'T MESS WITH GRACE X, in bold letters. This hotshot young agent, dressed in her leather catsuit, tall stiletto boots, and toting a machine gun, means business and high tails it to the DZ to ambush Grace and take over as the number one agent. Grace knows her plan and is set to foil it. She hides her silenced pistol and radio, grabbing her long black stocking from her boot, saying, "This is personal."
    Grace hears her coming down the trail and hides in a crouch, ready to strike. When Agent C gets to the DZ, she sees Grace is not there and lets her guard down, just in time for Grace to sneak up and wrap the stocking around her neck. She keeps the Agent upright as she taunts her with the notion of what she is up to. She strangles her hard upright, the leather catsuit banging against Grace's pelvis, and the Agent's big ass stretched in her tight suit, whacks against Grace. After a bout, Agent C gets a boost and elbows Grace in the stomach, doubling her over until she is down. As they both recover, Agent c picks up her machine gun, but before she can get a shot off, Grace lunges towards her and disarms her, and punches her in the chest at the same time. As Grace catches her breath, she knees Agent C in the pussy really hard, making her double over in pain. Agent C begs Grace for her life, but Grace is very confident and sexy as she walks slowly around C, taunting her that she will for sure disappear. She grabs the stocking and starts to strangle the Agent again. She is still upright and struggling hard for a while, stretching her body and suit out, clawing at the garotte trying to get free, but she is over powered. When Grace feels the need she takes her down the cut bank and finishes her off, the Agent rolls around trying to get free but only ends up showing her big booty as she slams her pelvis into the dirt and her stilettos dig in the soil trying to get a grip, but Grace gets her back anterior and goes hard, telling her to look into her eyes as she dies, but Grace has plans and keeps the stocking tight until she passes out, and thinks she is dead. Grace chuckles and sits the body up, dragging the unconscious Agent to a tree. She grabs her silenced pistol and radio, calling the chief to let him know she had a problem and might need a body bag. Then she comes back as the Agent is rubbing her neck, catching her breath, smiling because she thinks Grace let her off the hook with a warning. Grace hides the silenced pistol behind her back as she tells the agent that strangling her victims to death really isn't her style and she raises the pistol, talking smack in her signature dark shades, and thwerp, one to the dome, right in the forehead between the eyes. The blood trickles as the Agent dies instantly. As she turns to leave the chief is ther with a pistol drawn. "Sorry Grace, too many loose ends and thwerp, he drops with with a shot right between the yes in the forehead, same location that Grace hit the Agent. Grace drops into Agent C's lap and dies instantly, her dark glasses falling up into her hair, like she usually keeps them. The chief replaces them as he talks about what a shame it is to have two agents and his best one dead. He checks out their tits and feels them up as the two dead agents lay there dead, eyes wide open and Grace with her sexy glasses, trickling blood from her head. He exits to get the chopper and makes way for views and pans of the dead bodies.

    This is so awesome the gals had a blast. I accidentally deleted the footage when we shot the first time so I had to do it twice, I think it turned out awesome! CB

    Run Time: 16;00 minutes
    File Size: 650 MB Format: .MP4

    Clip Duration:      16 minutes
    Format Size
    m4v658.84 MB

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    CHRIS CORNER - GRACE X Up Close And Personal

    CHRIS CORNER - GRACE X Up Close And Personal

    CHRIS CORNER - GRACE X Up Close And Personal

    CHRIS CORNER - GRACE X Up Close And Personal

    CHRIS CORNER - GRACE X Up Close And Personal

    CHRIS CORNER - GRACE X Up Close And Personal

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